Midwest Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Breeders


We are Karl and Mandy from rural south central Iowa. Karl found himself as a recovering Lab owner nearly twenty years ago when he bought his first Griff. In 2007, Karl brought home his first Wirehaired Pointing Griffon (WPG), Stonyridge Gold Dust (Alice), who lived to the ripe old age of seventeen. Karl and Alice hunted upland and waterfowl in multiple states, but she was a pheasant’s worst nightmare; a real meat dog.

In 2015, Stonyridge Rain Storm (Tammy) joined the pack. She gave us three litters, of which we had the privilege of co-breeding with John and Lori Posthuma of Stonyridge Kennels.

Six year later we added Stonyridge Nimble Nikita (Cricket), a niece to Tammy. In 2024, Cricket whelped her first litter under our very own kennel name.

Our goal is to produce WPGs that align with Korthals' vision of a dog eager to please in the field and water while being a laid back member of the family. Our dogs are durable and easy moving with wiry, low maintenance coats.

Stonyridge Gold Dust, a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon standing in the snow

Alice at two years old

Stonyridge Gold Dust, a Wirehaired Point Griffon standing under a rainbow
Stonyridge Gold Dust (Alice)